We are undutchables

Undutchables Recruitment Agency, the international business recruitment pioneer in the Netherlands, has a proven track record in international job matching and placement.

We help both starters and executive candidates, fluent in languages other than Dutch, advance their careers in the Netherlands.

For those hiring, we recruit highly educated international personnel who speak our clients’ language and understand their culture.

Do you want to further your career in the Netherlands? Are you looking for a native speaker to develop your business? We’ll help you find the perfect match.


Meet our experts

Adela van Schaick

Office Assistant
+31 (0)20 623 13 00 / +31 (0)6 341 540 94
"Don’t call it dream, call it a plan"
Our Amsterdam Office Assistant Adela takes good care of her colleagues and all the Amsterdam candidates. She ensures that every lunch in the Amsterdam office is special. Adela loves to spend time with her daughters and enjoys working even more after a mommy day.

Valentina Pugar

Business Process Software Consultant
+31 (0)70 711 83 00 / +31 (0)6 283 327 97
"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars."
Valentina was born in Croatia and moved to The Netherlands in 2013. Curious, open minded and always lifting the bar higher. She is helpful and is determined to finish everything that she started. Valentina is happy to be part of the international Undutchables team and is eager to help people find their dream job. Valentina likes to be among different people with different stories and background. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends. Valentina especially enjoys warm weather and good food. In her words, "I truly believe that everything is possible if you are willing to work for it!"

Mark van der Velden

Branch Manager
+31 (0)40 237 33 95 / +31 (0)6 341 540 92
"Smile, don’t worry, life is awesome!"
Our Branch Manager Mark brings a great sense of humor and positivity to the team. He works hard at ensuring that the Eindhoven clients are taken care of. He acts as a partner for his clients and is the go-to person in the office for his team. Mark worked at the Utrecht office before, as a Recruitment Consultant, and also worked as a Branch Manager in our The Hague/Rotterdam office. Nowadays, he spends his time leading the Eindhoven office. His impeccable customer service makes him a firm favorite of our clients. In his spare time he likes to prepare delicious meals for his family and friends. If you happen to know of any great places to eat in the Netherlands, please let him know, he is always on the look out for a great new restaurant to visit!

Jana Ambré

Recruitment Assistant
+31 (0)20 623 13 00 / +31 (0)6 180 933 97
"You will never know what is on the other side of a mountain until you climb it."
Jana grew up in the sunny state of Florida in the United States; however, she always wanted to live in the Netherlands for as long as she can remember. In 2019 she finally took the leap to move to the Netherlands. After various ups and downs, Jana came out the other end with a master’s degree in Cultural Anthropology and a position at Undutchables Recruitment Agency. Jana understands just how difficult it can be to settle down and find work in a new country. Therefore, being able to work as a Recruitment Assistant is fulfilling—knowing that she can help others also find their way in the Netherlands through connecting them with opportunities for work. In her free time, Jana loves to knit, read, travel, and play games with friends.
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